Create a strong and cohesive presence across multiple channels

Your online presence goes far beyond just your website. Social platforms, shared content, third-party websites, review platforms. When it comes to building your community, you can increase your impact by focusing on a broad range of channels and tactics. Leveraging multiple platforms can also allow you to encourage, and benefit from, your community’s contributions.

When you thoughtfully engage with audiences on various platforms, combined with a well constructed strategy for your owned properties, you can create an ecosystem that encourages growth. Tapping into the work of others, photos, reviews, blog posts, travelogs, and more, not only encourages further development of content by the community, but helps build increased loyalty and interest.

We at Lift can help you assess the potential for increasing your impact through focus on key parts of your digital footprint. Together we’ll map out ways to engage with the audience through both your owned channels and through other places that your brand can be found.

Own Your Presence

The first step to increasing your impact is to identify and maximize what you do with the online channels that you can fully own. These are things like your website or platform, Facebook page, Instagram Feed, LinkedIn page, and potentially others. Brand these and create cohesion that helps a visitor feel like they all belong together.

Be Where Your Community Is

Find out where your community members are and make sure that you have a presence there. You may not be able to visually brand these spaces, but by being present, you can set the tone for how the community perceives you. Use a consistent voice and communication style to build your equity with those that are part of your target in-group.

Leverage Other Tools

When it comes to increasing your impact, don’t reinvent the wheel. For example, if there are hundreds of reviews for your attraction, place or destination on TripAdvisor, don’t try and recreate that elsewhere, use what’s there. Make the most of services that are already doing the things you want and find ways to use that information or data.

Create Dialogue

Make it easy for members of your community to speak with you. Don’t just talk at people, listen and respond. Allow space for engagement as a two-way street, share with others and allow them to share with you. At some point, we all want to know that we can be heard. Giving a voice to your community lets them know they belong.


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There's nothing we love more than taking your idea, your story, your new venture and making it into something real.

Lift Interactive was founded in 2002 with a vision to harness the potential of the web.

Since then we've grown into a full-blown, award-winning digital agency on a mission.